Introducing What is a Hub, and Who’s it for?

Mathew Lowry
3 min readMar 17, 2020


Use to create your Hub: an AI-powered, ad-free centre for your online presence. There’s no advertising, so you are not the product — will be free from privacy invasion, user manipulation and sponsored posts pushing fake news.

Watch semi-obligatory video, or read on below …

All the Stuff you Like, Think and Do in one place is currently in Alpha, so register and reserve your Hub’s — for when I launch the beta phase. With in alpha, there’s only one example (mine) so check it out.

You’ll see that it brings three types of content together in one place:

Stuff I Like

Each resource you like is a super-smart, AI-tagged, annotatable bookmark — content you curate for yourself and your audience with the click of a button.

Currently they’re public, so you’re sharing your library of stuff you recommend to your audience to read. Later we may build a private version.

Stuff I Think

If you blog, you probably publish on platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, etc., as they bring an audience. Blog posts are supposed to be evergreen (valuable for years, not minutes) but those platforms treat posts like status updates.

Blog posts are supposed to be evergreen … but blogging platforms treat them like status updates

Why’s that a problem? Well, have you ever tried browsing your Linkedin or Medium posts by subject? Hard, isn’t it? So how can your audience find what you’ve written that interests them?

You can actually blog on your Hub if you wish, but personally I prefer to blog here on Medium and curate my posts on my Hub. That way, people can find them when they look for what interests them, alongside the Stuff you Like (above) and the Stuff you Do (next).

Stuff I Do

Aka your professional portfolio. Again, today’s platforms make it hard for your audience — including potential clients — to find What You Do by subject. And again, your Hub can point to your work around the web, or can host your own descriptions. They’re also complemented by Service Pages.

AI-powered content marketing

All this content is tagged for you by MyHub’s AI engine (you can edit these tags anytime). Using the Hub’s innovative interface, your audience can easily discover what you Like, Think and Do about whatever interests them.

That’s why it’s content marketing nirvana: not only do you help your audience by curating good content of interest to them, you get to present what you Think and Do alongside it.

you help your audience by curating good content of interest to them… and present relevant posts on what you Think and Do right alongside it

It’s the centre of your online world. That’s why I call it a Hub.

And behind the scenes, it boosts your productivity by supporting your personal content strategy, helping ensure you extract the most value from the best content, rather than being drowned in a firehose of meh.

It’s currently in Alpha phase, so sign up to reserve



Mathew Lowry
Mathew Lowry

Written by Mathew Lowry

Piloting innovative online communications since 1995. Editor: Knowledge4Policy. Founder: Personal Hub:

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