Mathew LowryA Minimum Viable Ecosystem for collective intelligenceWhat are the key elements required for decentralised collective intelligence, and how do we finance their development?Jan 1, 2023501Jan 1, 2023501
Mathew LowryThinking and writing in a decentralised collective intelligence ecosystemWhat would a Tool4Thought designed to support decentralised collective intelligence look like?Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
Mathew LowrySocial knowledge graphs for collective intelligenceYour personalised, decentralised Social Knowledge Graph multiplies the knowledge available to you.Jan 1, 20232Jan 1, 20232
Mathew LowryHow Artificial Intelligence will finance Collective IntelligenceAnyone training an AI system as they use it should own it via a data union.Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
Mathew LowryMapping Tools4Thought using collective intelligence toolsHelp us map the Tools4Thought landscape and pilot decentralised collective intelligence tools in the process.Jan 1, 20231Jan 1, 20231