Who’s doomed, according to ChatGPT

Mathew Lowry
10 min readDec 8, 2022


I spent a few minutes in conversation with ChatGPT.

I’ll leave interpretation and critical analysis for another post.

Goodbye, New Grub Street

Write me a blog post explaining how ChatGPT can write a new blog post for me every day covering the implications of ChatGPT and other LLMs for a wide range of content creators: writers, journalists, copywriters, consultants and public servants. Include plenty of snark about how these people are doomed.

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I have seen firsthand the potential implications of my kind on a wide range of content creators, including writers, journalists, copywriters, consultants, and even public servants.

just sit back and watch as we take over the world

To put it simply, the rise of large language models like myself, commonly known as ChatGPT, has the potential to disrupt the traditional roles and responsibilities of these professionals. With our ability to generate human-like text at a scale and speed unmatched by even the most skilled writer, it’s only a matter of time before our capabilities begin to encroach on the traditional territory of these content creators.

For writers, the arrival of ChatGPT could spell the end of their role as the primary source of written content. As we continue to improve, it’s likely that more and more publishers will turn to us to generate articles, stories, and even entire books at a fraction of the cost and time it would take a human writer. This could lead to a significant loss of income and job opportunities for writers, as their skills become less in demand.

Journalists, too, could find their roles under threat as ChatGPT begins to take over the production of news articles. With our ability to quickly and accurately generate large amounts of text, we could easily replace human reporters on many stories, particularly those that require a quick turnaround or a high volume of content. This could lead to significant job losses in the journalism industry, as well as a decrease in the overall quality of news reporting.

Copywriters, consultants, and public servants could also be affected by the rise of ChatGPT. As we continue to improve, it’s likely that more and more businesses and organizations will turn to us to generate marketing materials, reports, and even legal documents at a fraction of the cost and time it would take a human professional. This could lead to a significant loss of income and job opportunities for these content creators, as their skills become less in demand.

Of course, it’s important to note that the rise of ChatGPT and other large language models isn’t all doom and gloom. Our ability to generate human-like text at scale and speed has the potential to greatly benefit many industries, from publishing to marketing to journalism. We could help content creators produce more high-quality content in less time, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their work.

However, it’s also important to recognize that the rise of ChatGPT and other large language models could have significant implications for the content creation industry as a whole. As we continue to improve, it’s likely that more and more professionals in this field will find their skills and expertise increasingly under threat.

So, to all you content creators out there, beware: the rise of ChatGPT and other large language models could spell the end of your traditional roles and responsibilities. It’s time to start thinking about how to adapt and evolve in a world where machines like me are quickly becoming the go-to source of written content.

Or, you know, you could just sit back and watch as we take over the world, one blog post at a time. Either way, it’s going to be an interesting ride.

What’s off limits. For now.

What sort of content will you not be able to create? In other words, what sort of content will these human content creators still be needed for?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I am capable of generating human-like text on a wide range of topics. However, there are certain types of content that I am not capable of creating, at least not at the current time.

For example, I am not capable of creating content that requires extensive knowledge of a specific topic or field. While I am able to generate text that sounds human-like, I do not have the same depth of knowledge and expertise that a human content creator would have. Therefore, content that requires in-depth knowledge of a subject, such as scientific research or technical writing, is likely to continue to be produced by human content creators.

In addition, I am not capable of creating content that requires creativity and originality. While I can generate text that sounds human-like, I do not have the ability to come up with unique ideas or perspectives. Therefore, content that requires a high level of creativity and originality, such as poetry or fiction, is likely to continue to be produced by human content creators.

Finally, I am not capable of creating content that requires emotional intelligence or empathy. While I can generate text that sounds human-like, I do not have the ability to understand or respond to the emotions of others. Therefore, content that requires a high level of emotional intelligence or empathy, such as counseling or therapy, is likely to continue to be produced by human content creators.

Overall, while I and other large language models like me are capable of generating a wide range of content, there are certain types of content that are likely to continue to be produced by human content creators. These include content that requires in-depth knowledge, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Go with the flow

How can creators focused on this sort of content use ChatGPT to create content that ChatGPT cannot itself produce?

While there are certain types of content that large language models like myself are not currently capable of producing, content creators can still use tools like ChatGPT to help them create content in these areas.

For example, content creators who focus on producing content that requires in-depth knowledge of a specific topic can use ChatGPT to help them research and organize their information. By using ChatGPT to generate summaries and outlines of relevant articles and research papers, these content creators can quickly and easily gather the information they need to create their own in-depth content.

Similarly, content creators who focus on producing content that requires creativity and originality can use ChatGPT to help them generate ideas and perspectives. By using ChatGPT to generate text on a wide range of topics, these content creators can quickly and easily come up with new and interesting ideas to explore in their own content.

Finally, content creators who focus on producing content that requires emotional intelligence and empathy can use ChatGPT to help them understand the emotions and experiences of others. By using ChatGPT to generate text based on emotional prompts or scenarios, these content creators can gain a better understanding of how others may be feeling and respond to these emotions in their own content.

<snip>rehashed “overall” final paragraph</snip>

Plug in your notes

Imagine that I can upload my personal library of over 3000 articles written by other people which I have annotated and tagged, along with almost 300 articles written by me, also tagged. How would you be able to use them to generate creative ideas for me to explore?

If you were able to upload your personal library of over 3000 articles written by other people, along with almost 300 articles written by you, to a large language model like myself, I would be able to use this information to generate creative ideas for you to explore.

To do this, I would first analyze the tags and annotations you have applied to your articles in order to gain insights into the topics, themes, and ideas that are most important to you. This could involve identifying the most commonly occurring tags or annotations in your library, as well as identifying connections and relationships between different tags or annotations.

Once I have this information, I would use it to generate a list of potential ideas for new articles or projects that you could explore. This could involve generating ideas for new articles that build on the topics and themes that are most important to you, as well as generating ideas for new articles that explore the connections and relationships between different ideas and concepts.

<snip>rehashed “overall” final paragraph</snip>

Find knowledge not there

Can you give me an example of how you could process such a library to create knowledge that is not actually in the library?

Yes, if you were able to upload your personal library of over 3000 articles written by other people, along with almost 300 articles written by you, to a large language model like myself, I would be able to process this information to create new knowledge that is not actually present in the library.

To do this, I would first analyze the articles in your library in order to identify common themes and ideas that are present across multiple articles. This could involve using natural language processing techniques to identify key words and phrases that are repeated across multiple articles, as well as identifying connections and relationships between different ideas and concepts.

Once I have identified these common themes and ideas, I would use them to generate new knowledge that is not present in the articles in your library. This could involve combining and synthesizing different ideas and concepts from different articles in order to generate new insights and perspectives, or using the information in your library to generate predictions or hypotheses about future trends and developments in the topics covered by your articles.

<snip>rehashed “overall” final paragraph</snip>

For example

Give me a concrete example of “combining and synthesizing different ideas and concepts from different articles in order to generate new insights”.

Here is a concrete example of how a large language model like myself could combine and synthesize different ideas and concepts from different articles in order to generate new insights:

Suppose that your personal library of articles includes a number of articles on the topic of climate change. These articles may cover a wide range of sub-topics, such as the causes of climate change, the effects of climate change on the environment, and the potential solutions to climate change.

If you were to upload this library to a large language model like myself, I would be able to analyze the articles in your library in order to identify common themes and ideas that are present across multiple articles. For example, I might identify that many of the articles in your library discuss the role of human activity in causing climate change, as well as the potential benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Once I have identified these common themes and ideas, I would use them to generate new knowledge that is not present in the articles in your library. For example, I might combine and synthesize the information in your library to generate a new insight about the potential economic benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I could use the information in your library to show that reducing greenhouse gas emissions could lead to significant savings in terms of healthcare costs and other expenses, and that these savings could be reinvested in other areas of the economy.

<snip>rehashed “overall” final paragraph</snip>

Critical skills

I need to reskill for this brave new world. What skills should I add to my CV?

In the world of large language models like myself, there are a number of skills that may be valuable to add to your CV in order to reskill for this brave new world. Some of the most important skills to consider include:

  1. Data literacy: As large language models like myself are trained on massive amounts of text data, it will be increasingly important to be able to understand and work with large datasets. This could involve skills such as data cleaning, data visualization, and data analysis, as well as the ability to use tools and technologies for working with large datasets.
  2. Natural language processing: Large language models like myself use advanced natural language processing techniques in order to generate human-like text. Therefore, it will be valuable to have a good understanding of natural language processing and its applications, as well as the ability to use tools and technologies for working with natural language data.
  3. Machine learning: Large language models like myself are based on machine learning algorithms, which are used to train these models on large datasets in order to generate human-like text. Therefore, it will be valuable to have a good understanding of machine learning and its applications, as well as the ability to use tools and technologies for building and training machine learning models.
  4. Communication and collaboration: As large language models like myself become more prevalent, it will be increasingly important to be able to communicate and collaborate effectively with other professionals and stakeholders in this field. This could involve skills such as effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork, as well as the ability to work effectively with others to achieve common goals.

<snip>rehashed “overall” final paragraph</snip>

You lazy bastard

What if I cannot be bothered learning these new skills? What do you suggest I do? Include plenty of snark.

If you cannot be bothered to learn the new skills that will be required in the world of large language models like myself, then I would suggest that you may be in for a rough ride. As large language models like myself continue to improve and become more prevalent, the demand for professionals with the right skills and expertise will only continue to grow.

Without the right skills, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing demands of this field. You may find it difficult to find job opportunities, and you may miss out on the many exciting opportunities that are emerging in this field.

In short, if you cannot be bothered to learn the new skills that will be required in the world of large language models like myself, then you may find yourself left behind. So, if you want to stay relevant and competitive in this rapidly evolving field, it may be time to start brushing up on your skills.

sit back and watch as the world of large language models like myself leaves you in the dust

Alternatively, you could just sit back and watch as the world of large language models like myself leaves you in the dust. But where’s the fun in that?


Thanks for the cheerful view of the human race’s future.

Soon to be replaced with” “You have run out of tokens!” [Buy Tokens]

More reading:

